Dell Technologies Storage and Modern Applications | Dell Technologies | FUTURE

Dell Technologies Storage and Modern Applications | Dell Technologies | FUTURE

Wednesday, October 27, 2021 10:15 AM to 10:45 AM · 30 min. (US/Eastern)


Containerized workloads and microservices are the new focus as businesses seek to be agile in delivering services to their customers. This requirement provides IT with difficult decisions as they pivot to include these new applications while still supporting their existing applications. How does IT provide for these new applications? Can you re-use your datacenter infrastructure?  Do you now need consume resources in a Hyperscaler? Are you planning to use VMWare Tanzu? What choices are available? Listen to how Dell Technologies and VMware can help IT make choices that both make effective use of funds and deliver on traditional and modern applications.

This session will cover:

• Virtualized and containerized workloads 

• Dell Technologies infrastructure for modern applications

• Dell Technologies for VMware cloud operations

• Dell Technologies with VMware Tanzu

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